Saturday, October 15, 2005

Okay. So. A new blog. This is exciting.

I am a LiveJournaler. I will remain a LiveJournaler. But seeing as I have an interest in photography and don't want to pay for image space on LJ, this will become my official photo blog.

"The Inane Antics of Merry Andy."

So I will introduce myself.

The person behind the keyboard/camera.

The name is Alicia. Internet alias: "Anikki". There are a bunch of nicknames, but I don't want to waste half the entry listing them. =)

So what's with "Merry Andy," you may wonder?

n. A clown; a buffoon, idiot, wisecracker, nut, madcap, etc.

Thus the seemingly random title.

Right, so, other trivial notes about me: age 15.4-ish years old to date, female (I hope a "duh" applies here), relatively content with life. Other then photography and writing, I love music. And weekend coffee. Art. Astronomy. Among other sciences. I'm a bit nerdy, not to be confused with geeky. Etc. etc.

My photos.

I use a lovely digital camera which I have named "Gerald" (after the mouse in Pink Floyd's "Bike"). He is a Canon Powershot A400. 3.2 megapixels. Fairly good quality pictures. I love to edit photos on my machine, sometimes experimenting with different things. The picture above is an example. I like to play with the contrast. =)

So. Right. That's really all I can think to say at the moment.